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立木设计 | 汕头幼儿师范学校立木设计 | 汕头幼儿师范学校

2020-02-26 发布

Located on the coast of Haojiang District, the unparalleled geographic conditions have offered Shantou Preliminary Normal School with infinite possibilities, whereas we want to try out the impossible.

校园规划以“Ultimate Nature(极致自然)”为设计理念,因循地势而不是挖山填池,将更多的自然释放给原始的树林和草地。自然是生活的来源,是一切教育的起始,“Ultimate Nature(极致自然)”不仅是低扰动开发的技术与方法,更是对幼师教育的洞察与理解。

The campus plan is based on the concept of “Ultimate Nature”. Instead of fighting against the existing topography, we choose to stand by nature, and make full use of each inch of its woods and grasslands. Nature is the source of life and the starting point of education. “Ultimate Nature” means not only the development methodology of minimizing human interference, but also an insight and understanding of kindergarten education.


Chinese communities attach great importance to early childhood education. Students in the Preliminary Normal School are mostly aged 18 to 22. It is difficult for these young adults to truly understand the responsibility that a parent assumes. Meanwhile they are faced with heavy workload in their daily curriculum. Such kind of conflict might cause a series of social problems.

Early childhood education requires teachers to nurture children with love. In order to achieve this, they are offered two options: either to take on the role of a parent, or, of a child. By feeling things that a child feels, and seeing a world that a child sees, students gradually find out about this teach-and-learn process in an atmosphere of infinite freedom. In the design of Shantou Preliminary Normal School, we endeavour to build such a utopia that recalls the memory of a delighting childhood.


The master plan of Shantou Preliminary Normal School abandons the traditional grid layout in campus planning, with space split, mixed, reorganized, and blanked, thus creating free flowing space. Such layout strategy corresponds with that of kindergartens, thus integrating normal school education with preschool education itself.


Front Gate


Nature, as it literally goes, illustrates an image of trees, lands, fields, and seas. We take best advantage of level grounds and gentle slopes according to thorough analyses on sloping conditions. Hence, optimized land usage with minimal construction cost, and also, sustainability are successfully achieved. The building grows out of nature in a humble manner. The stucco-clad façade is simple, generous, rich in texture, and durable against the sun and the wind.

▲ 将所有平地和缓坡充分利用作为建筑和硬质场地


Teaching area


The classrooms are presented in separate units, and the teaching buildings are connected to each other through several scattered, exquisite courtyards. This is an ideal place for teachers and students to communicate and to learn, where curiosity and creativity are cherished for these future kindergarten teachers. Preschool teachers are the leaders and organizers of children's kindergarten life. They love and they tolerate. The concept of “cooperation-instead-of-competition” puts an emphasis on nature, freedom and self-sufficiency. Ample and continuous shared space will become the most dynamic place on the campus, full of youthful warmth and beauty.




Administrative area


The administrative complex integrates the library, the art building and the office building into one single volume, subtly dissolving the height difference of the site. The volume is light, and the atmosphere elegant. The square in front of the library is grand and open, and the reading area with a series of setbacks is extremely pure. Among the art building and the office building sits the courtyard, and preserved topographical features best illustrate the harmony between architecture and nature.



The classroom complex is composed of separate units and intertwining shared spaces, while the administrative complex appears to be one single volume permeated by natural landscape. The two groups of buildings are different, opposite but coordinated, sharing a distant similarity.


Boundless Playground


The design follows the terrain to raise the playground to the top of the mountain, reducing the amount of earthwork and cost. The Peak Playground is located at the highest point of the campus. The “Boundless” design conveys an imposing quality, and the canteen is cleverly hidden under the playground, connected to the playground by a “necklace” ramp. When you are running in the playground, it feels as if you are surrounded by mountains and clouds, being absolutely a unique and unforgettable experience for students.



Living Area

越过树顶的青葱绿色,生活区沐浴在整个山林的青翠之中, “海景方院”灵巧错动,位于屋顶的“观海平台”遥相呼应,处处都是好风景。

The dormitory complex is bathed in the massive greenery. The scattered “Seascape Gardens” echo with the “Coastal Viewing Platforms” on the rooftop. Good scenery is everywhere.


Piano Room & Swimming Pool


The piano rooms complex sits east to the dormitory complex so as not to disturb daily usage. Stepping up in the piano tunes, you can imagine yourself walking into a sanctuary of music. At the end of the piano rooms complex is an boundless pool with unlimited views of the mountains and the sea.


Twelve Time Notc












Education is not about filling up a basket, but lighting up the future. As time goes by, when these students grow into teachers, they will always remember the sparks here.

景观顾问:IA 立木景观
机电顾问:TEA 立木机电
