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Carlos Ferrater | 雷吉纳之屋Carlos Ferrater | 雷吉纳之屋

2020-08-03 发布

卡洛斯·费拉特(Carlos Ferrater)工作室的主创设计师表示,“雷吉纳之屋”项目,是工业设计师和超现实主义艺术家皮特·桑斯(Pete Sans),以及画家和壁画艺术家雷吉纳·索拉(Regina Saura),在阿特恩波达(Alt Emporda)的高斯镇(Gauses)的新住宅,对于设计师本人而言,它所代表的不仅仅是专业委托,而是为了在文化艺术领域上彼此联系十分紧密的友人们,规划和建造一所房子的机会。
The new house for Pete Sans, industrial designer and surrealist artist, and Regina Saura, painter and mural artist, in the village of Gaüses in Alt Empordà, has represented much more than a professional commission. It has offered me the opportunity to plan and build a house for friends I feel very close to, both culturally and artistically.


皮特·桑斯(Pete Sans)是1930年代超现实主义画家海梅·桑斯(Jaume Sans)的儿子,他属于先锋派ADLAN集团;其设计作品包括Lamparaprima,Mesita桌子和Coqueta椅子,并于1988年赢得了ADI-FAD金三角奖。
Pete Sans, son of the 1930s surrealist painter Jaume Sans, who belonged to the avant-garde ADLAN group, has produced designs including the Lamparaprima, the Mesita table and the Coqueta chair, which won the ADI-FAD Golden Delta in 1988.


Over the years, Sans has also made an extensive collection of sculptures which have found their place in the new house. They include the cat-bench guarding the house in the porch, the grasshopper on the patio and the metal spiders in the swimming pool, as well as other smaller sculptures to be found all over the house.


雷吉纳·索拉(Regina Saura)是一位画家,过去几年曾在旧金山和西班牙加泰罗尼亚的恩波达工作,其间曾于多个国家举办过作品展。从八十年代初期,她开始于自己的作品中加入一系列的艺术拼贴元素,而时至今日,她的最新作品内容受到日本主题启发,包括她根据与自然(尤其是森林)相关主题进行的表演和大型壁画实验,索拉创作了很多具有高度标示性的作品,譬如西班牙巴塞罗那的餐厅Cocina Hermanos Torres那充满工业气息的建筑外墙上的壁画,便是经典的卡洛斯(Carlos)和博尔雅费拉特(Borja Ferrater)的作品。 皮特·桑斯(Pete Sans)还协助设计了大楼内部的灯具装置。
Regina Saura, a painter who over the last few years has alternated between working in San Francisco and Empordà, has held exhibitions in various countries. From her beginnings in the early eighties, using collage techniques, to her latest works inspired by Japanese themes, including her experiments with performance and large-format murals based on themes linked to nature, particularly forests, Saura has created iconic works such as the mural on the facade of the industrial building belonging to Cocina Hermanos Torres, the work of Carlos and Borja Ferrater. Pete Sans also helped design the lamps inside the building.


Beyond her paintings, which can be found inside the house, Regina wanted to leave her mark on the most visible facade, with a naturalist motif acting as a signature.


The house is on a long, narrow site between neighbouring plots which descends from the eastern end of the main street in Gaüses to a torrent running along its western boundary.



The project layout, determined by the topographical orientation and concern for privacy, is a set of 12.5 x 5-metre pavilions interspersed with voids or courtyards.



The programme is organised in the pavilions, and the voids provide access and allow cross-ventilation and light into the interiors.


It is a simple building, efficient thanks to its insulation, which expresses the form of its construction in the materiality of its finishes. Inclined ceilings built with concrete and steel semi-beams, ceramic tongue and groove that receives the insulation, and Arab roof tiles as a finish imposed by the regulations are complemented with walls of white stuccoed blocks and polished concrete floors.


雷吉纳之屋的外院是一座种满了当地特有植被的生态花园,它作为当地景观的进一步延伸;同时设计师还设计建造了一处小型游泳池,以及一个由皮特·桑斯(Pete Sans)亲自设计的可移动藤架。
Outside, there is a garden with native species as an extension of the local landscape, a small swimming pool and a movable pergola designed by Pete Sans.


Ultimately, the construction – a simple, austere building which has cost very little (less than €1,000/m2) – has allowed its inhabitants to find a way of personalising the new house in order to make it theirs.

建筑设计:Carlos Ferrater
室内设计:Pete Sans
东立面装置设计:Regina Saura
摄影支持:Joan Guillamat

Project name:REGINA HOUSE
Location:Gaüses (Vilopriu, Girona)
Architecture:Carlos Ferrater
Interior Design:Pete Sans
Intervention on the east façade:Regina Saura
Photography:Joan Guillamat
