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PHA湃昂国际建筑|香港置地重庆光环The Ring购物公园PHA湃昂国际建筑|香港置地重庆光环The Ring购物公园

2021-07-02 发布



Hongkong Land's Yorkville - The Ring has officially launched on 23 April in Liangjiang New CBD of Chongqing. The brand new commercial retail complex encompasses a gross floor area of 420,000 sq. m., of which 170,000 sq. m. is dedicated to the shopping mall and retail streets, 110,000 sq. m. to the super Grade-A office buildings, and 70,000 sq. m. to the indoor-outdoor botanical garden. The Ring is aspired to become a notable regional landmark, attracting customers and visitors alike from across the city.


作为香港置地全新商业品牌 “光环 The Ring ” 系列的首个落地项目,带着“构建新型智能商业空间,追溯生活生态本源,为西南地区消费者带来独特购物体验”这一项目愿景与目标,以打造“城市自然共同体”为核心设计概念,PHA开创性地将一座巨大的室内植物园巧妙引入商业空间内部,并从项目整体规划和建筑设计围绕这一核心概念进行打造。

The Ring, the inaugural project among Hongkong Land’s brand new commercial retail series known as “The Ring”, is design to present a new intelligent commercial, providing residents with unique premium lifestyle and shopping experiences. In order to create an “urban + nature” hybrid form of community, PHA ingeniously merges the huge botanical garden into commercial, bringing a nature-infused development to the customers.

项目位于重庆北部两江新区核心商务区的金州商圈,是轨道交通5号线地铁上盖商业项目。在整体规划上,项目由L 型集中商业、2 座超5A甲级写字楼和其间一条绿带商业街组成。其中购物中心The Ring 作为城市主展示面,建筑造型体块通过一个S形的扭转,形成了面向绿带商业街和商场室内植物园与对外景观退台的主次2个景观核;2座写字楼与相邻办公地块形成组团。

The overall master planning of the site maximizes visibility and accessibility to the shopfronts, with the retail cluster positioned along the main roads in an L-shape, creating “The Ring”.  An enclosed landscaped commercial street takes its form as The Ring extends and embraces the two Grade-A office towers soaring above and behind. The core of the architectural structure cuts through in an S-curve, setting apart the indoor botanical garden space with the outdoor terraced balconies, which serve as the primary and secondary visual anchors respectively. Two towers form a cluster with adjacent office plots.


Linkage Between Indoor Botanical Garden and Circulation


The biggest highlight of the project is undoubtedly Twilight Forest, a large-scale indoor botanical garden with a height of 48 meters spanning seven floors. The design abandons the conventional enclosed inner street atrium and introduces a transparent indoor botanical garden into the mall to create an extraordinary experiential commercial space. The garden brings a panoramic view with vivid colors and incredible scenes. Each scene presents a season combined with gurgling waterfalls and natural scenery is unobstructed.


The incredible design was built upon the designer's careful research and consideration of how to seamlessly link the green plant space with the retail space. The designer boldly placed it on the side of the active line and integrated the botanical garden with the retail space without blocking the commercial active line, while ensuring the comfortable natural lighting of the two. The botanical garden was designed to harmonize with the commercial circulation horizontally and vertically, creating a multidimensional retail space. In the southeast, the natural theme of the project is displayed to the city through a large area of ​​glass curtain wall.


The botanical garden is not a simple atrium with green plants, but a 48-meter-high dome covered with layers of green plants integrated retail space filled with pop-up style shops in it. Through vigilant planning and space construction, the green of the botanical garden is widely spread and closely linked with commercial circulation. Customers can enjoy shopping while relaxed at all times, thereby reducing the "besieged" sense of oppression and tension brought to consumers by traditional commercial spaces.









Inner Retail Streets Create a Multidimensional Shopping Experience

植物园成为结合商场室内与室外商业街的“Focus Point”(聚焦点)。The Ring利用了基地原有高差在主入口处设置的下沉城市广场,结合绿植水系打造绿化休憩空间,其上设置的交通连廊在构建动线的同时营造到达感,呈给人以多层次的环境体验,与办公塔楼及周边社区建立活力纽带。

The botanical garden becomes a "Focus Point" that combines the indoor and outdoor commercial streets of the shopping mall. The Ring makes use of the original site’s height difference at the main entrance, and combines with water and greens creating a botanical resting space. The flow corridor set upon it creates a sense of arrival while constructing a moving line establishing a vital link with the office tower and surrounding communities.


Through the idea of landscape retreat and ecology, a "terraced" shape is visually formed, facing the urban roads and concentrated business region, which weakens the pressure of the building volume on the surrounding environment, and strengthens the surrounding environment with vertical greening.




Usage of Roof Spaces


In the vertical dimension, the roof garden is the key to drive the upward flow of people. The outdoor activity platform besides the theater on the 6th floor is connected upwards with the roof garden, forming a separate aerial activity plaza apart from the roof and entrance. This brings more possibilities for commercial activities to be held in different themes and create an unique shopping experience for the consumers.


The facade design was also inspired by nature, inspired by the poetic scenery of “wind”, “woods” and “clouds”. The entrance design imitates the scene of the sea of ​​clouds, forming smooth flowing lines and the momentum showing the design's pursuit of regionality, culture identity and artistry. The entire façade design is romantic and elegant, reflecting the humanistic care for consumers.


Perceptual expression is based on rational scrutiny. The facade texture uses innovative parametric design logic to deduct standard modulus and realize modular standardization, creating an artistic and rhythmic beauty.

重庆光环The Ring购物公园项目在功能空间上探索了面对未来的唯一性思考,立面表现上突破形式美的原创性。光环项目将推动重庆两江新区的发展、重塑重庆零售模式、以创新的理念为城市零售形态树立新风向。

The Ring follows the unique thinking satisfying the need of the future in the functional space, and challenges the traditional beauty and brings originality to the facade design. The iconic project will promote the development of Chongqing Liangjiang New District, reshape Chongqing's retail model, and establish a new trend for urban retail patterns with innovative concepts.







项目名称:香港置地重庆光环The Ring购物公园
场地面积:62 863平方米
建筑面积:421 424平方米
摄影:清筑影像 / PHA湃昂国际建筑设计顾问有限公司

Name:Hongkong Land's Yorkville - The Ring
Architect: PH Alpha Design Limited
Client: Hongkong Land Limited
Location: Chongqing, China
Site Area: 62 863 m2
GFA: 421 424 m2
Completion: April 2021
Chief Designer: Dr. Ping Xu
Project Team: Clive Chow, Ryan Tong, Xiuling Hao, Dongdong Qin
Photography: CreatAR / PH Alpha Design Limited
