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2022-07-25 发布
Picking-Up brand-new retail experience at OCHAMA

A Text and Graphic Introduction to OCHAMA Project
Picking-Up brand-new retail experience at OCHAMA
——back to where it all starts

四年前,SpaceX旗下的新型火箭“重型猎鹰”(Falcon Heavy)搭载其创始人Elon Mask的一辆红色特斯拉Roadster跑车,伴随着David Bowie的成名曲《space oddity》以上升的姿态飞向太空;今年初的冬奥会开幕式上,以精密计算和强大技术实现的“迎客松”烟花在鸟巢上空绽放,以专属于中国人的古典风雅向全世界展示好客之姿。这大概都是人类科技、艺术史上最浪漫的时刻——古老文化与现代科学结合,未来探索与上世纪六十年代的声音相遇,生生不息,令人动容。

When Falcon Heavy took a red TESLA Roadster of Elon Musk, founder of TESLA, to space four years ago, Space Oddity by David Bowie was the song to go along. And when the orchestrated and tech-backed firework display that resembles a pine greeting guests at the 2022 winter Olympics illuminated the night sky above the Brid Nest, the stadium where the opening ceremony was held, the world saw the romance and hospitality of the Chinese.These moments may well be the most romantic ones in science and art history when the time-honored culture is mixed with cutting-edge technologies, and the classics from the 60s accompany the exploration of the future. They symbolize the ever-lasting strength of life that could touch everybody.


Advanced technologies are affecting our daily lives in every way possible. Still, we started to feel sorry for the lack of warmth and human touch while taking advantage of the convenience they brought us.Another issue caused by high tech is that it undermines cultures and leads to homogeneous consumption models. How a Chinese company with nationwide recognition addresses these problems is probably worth expecting.JD.com is starting to plan to get into the global market with new business models and technologies. The company is confident more than ever to enter the American and European markets with a modest design language.


Jan 10, 2022, JD.com unveiled its new retail model, named Ochama, consisting of four omnichannel pick-up retail stores in the Netherlands. The seemingly simple design, highlighted by red elements, mirrors the pragmatism and aesthetics of the Dutch, with some surprising twists hidden inside. Overthrowing a traditional cut-copy-paste mindset, Ochama introduced a new retail strategy. It is a systematic design strategy based on the habits of local customers, cultural differences, and experience design. The vision and confidence of JD.com to enter the global market can be seen through the stores.

Ochama 是“Omnichanel amazing”的缩写,寓意“令人惊叹的全渠道购物体验”。作为京东国际出海的独立业务分支,Ochama超级仓店已经于荷兰阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹、莱顿和乌特勒支市落地。作为荷兰首家提供包含生鲜在内的全品类全渠道一站式购物空间,得益于京东领先全球的零售科技及物流技术,Ochama成功实现智能机器人全自动化备货、交货、服务流程,优化交互体验和运营成本,为消费者创造出额外10%的优惠。而这次合作对于深耕零售设计领域逾22年的荷兰设计事务所 Storeage室拓 来说,则是一次设计的“回归”。“设计不止关乎美感,零售设计尤其如此,” 如Storeage亚洲区合伙人康力先生所说,在Storeage多年的设计哲学中,基于品牌理念、商业模式、用户体验之上搭建设计体系才是一件作品是否经得起考验的关键。

Ochama is short for Omnichannel Amazing, meaning a remarkable omnichannel shopping experience. As the first independent business branch of JD.com to expand to the overseas market, Ochama has been in operation in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Leiden, and Utrecht in the Netherlands.Ochama is the first omnichannel store in the country to provide a full range of products, including fresh groceries. The leading retail technologies and logistics from JD.com will guarantee 100% automatic preparation, delivery, and customer services and help improve the interaction and lower the costs. This will offer the customers an extra 10% discount.The brain behind the Ochama is Storeage-Group, a Dutch design agency working in retail design for over 22 years. Ochama is an opportunity for Storeage to return to the basics of design thinking. “Design is not just about looking good, especially in the case of retail design,” said Kang Li, managing partner of Storeage in the Asia-Pacific region. Instead, Storeage has proven that the key to a successful design project is a design philosophy that integrates the brand strategy, offers an outstanding consumer experience, and delivers on a solid business model. Call it the Why, How, What of retail.

The business logic behind Ochama design

无论是商业形态、营销策略、选品排布,抑或服务设计,商业世界的逻辑看似琳琅满目,但究其根本,终归是要落到 “人”身上。人们所在的地理位置、居住环境、生活方式、消费习惯是一切产品 —— 线上或线下最初构思的底层逻辑。而这正是Storeage 最为擅长的部分 —— 将荷兰式的商业思维与严谨的逻辑推导前置于一切视觉设计之前,在零售逻辑的前提下搭建系统框架。

A retail business strategy has many components, including service models, marketing strategies, product selection, and display. Still, in the end, it all comes down to the idea of connecting to PEOPLE. The original idea for a product, online or offline, has to do with where people live, how they live, their lifestyle, and spending habits. This is the underlying logic and the part where Storeage excels. The company emphasizes local business mindsets and rigorous logical thinking in retail to make an emotional connection to people rather than just a visually pretty picture for success.


According to Kang Li, the Netherlands is often the first portal for global brands to enter the European market. And the Dutch adore the simple things in their purest form in daily life, so the design naturally follows this idea and shows it in every detail.Considering the dense population of the Netherlands, their desire for efficiency, and the popularity of picking up purchases on their daily commute, the location strategy of Ochama is built around the stores sitting in areas away from the old downtown but easily reachable by the major highways and arteries throughout the city.The exteriors of the stores are modest. Some are built with bricks highlighted by red logos; others are open glass window façades. The stores quietly blended into the neighborhood without too much disruption.

Find the right balance between technology and humanity through details.


At Ochama, technology is used to lower costs and improve efficiency. This can be found in the warehouse's visible mechanical arms, AGV moving robots, and the store's self-service counter and focal product display area. Fine materials imported from China and exquisite craftsmanship became a powerful medium at Ochama to strike a balance between technology and humanity.


The interior of the stores is highlighted by red and blue paint to echo the brand's visual language. Shelves made of bamboo are easily spotted once people step into the stores. The bamboo was processed for a soft and warm tone. The selves are set in an orderly fashion, and their semi-transparent style, similar to a Chinese screen, allows people to wander around and enjoy the contemporary interpretation of traditional Chinese culture. The softness and subtleness of the bamboo also neutralized the heaviness and roughness of the metal and concrete.

Storeage 创造了一个名为 CONNECTOR 的红色十字结构将这些竹结构相连,并可以根据需要灵活调节尺寸、实现承重需求,而 CONNECTOR 的原型其实是中国古建筑的“斗拱”结构。这一发明于两千多年前战国时期的特有构件,通常被用作体量较大的建筑物与屋顶之间的过渡工具,位于柱与梁之间,将上层构架传下来的荷载传给柱子,再由柱子传到基础。以灵巧的方式实现大型建筑中承上启下,结构转换的功能。

Storeage created a red crossing structure named CONNECTOR to tie the bamboo poles, and it can be adjusted with remarkable agility for weight-carrying. Its prototype is Dougong, an interlocking wooden bracket used in ancient Chinese architecture.Dougong was invented over 2,000 years ago during the Warring States Period and was often used in large buildings to frame the roof. The brackets are placed between pillars and beams to transfer the weight from the upper part of the building to the base through the pillars. Different structures in the building are well connected in such a flexible way.


People can see the Dougong-tied bamboo poles at the entrance, the display area, and the self-service counter in the store. Though the material is quite simple, it can deal with various needs. The gadget is the perfect combination of Chinese traditional wisdom in leverage and modern technology in large projects. The exquisite crossings are also a symbol of good luck.

Interaction-based spatial design


The design of a space is the process of understanding and experimenting with the delicate relations between people and items. It is a subjective and perceptive experience defined by the dimension of a scene, and the material, color, and display of the items in it; they are the vibes of a domain. A tech-oriented retail space requires detailed considerations of these factors.

除了之前提到的“CONNECTOR”与竹材质搭建的软装家具结构和展厅空间建筑主结构之外,金属材质的基础展示柜也基于产品陈列需求进行了排列方式的调整布局。为了给消费者更好的规划与引导,Storeage 利用模块化道具的高低组合,在视觉上形成错落层次,并在各个区域内均规划出焦点陈列区域,利用场景化的设置,拉近亲切感、促成消费者转换。

Apart from the CONNECTOR and bamboo gadgets used in both furnishings and main structures of the stores, metal showcases are thoughtfully placed to match the display of products. Storeage takes advantage of the differences in the height of the cases to create several levels of visual stimulation to better guide the customers. Focal displays are set up in each area of the store. The arrangement of various scenes makes the store a customer-friendly space and helps to fuel the possibility of spending.


Mellow round shapes are applied to the visual design for Ochama, including the curving traffic paths in the stores, to offer safety and convenience. The way through the display area to the pick-up counter is guided by red curving lines on the blue floor; the crossing lines give the customers a clear direction.Many curving traffic paths are used in the space except for areas like the pick-up counter and self-service counter that require specific signs. These Mobius strip-like curves are born from the brand's design language and evolve into important symbols in the space. They also pass on the infinite possibilities in Mobius strips to customers entering the room.

值得一提的是,全店沟通视觉化中,为了更好的体现Ochama背后京东集团的互联网属性,用鼠标“滚动”这个动态形式转换成静态画面,在室内营造虚拟现实环境,现在的线条、停顿点的设计,与Ochama 线上网页的视觉是联动、呼应的,按照这些柔软交错的曲线和顿点行进的过程会自然让人们联想到网页同频的滚动动作,制造出奇妙而充满趣味的探索体验。

Designers froze the scrolling action of a mouse into a static image for the visuals to highlight the tech nature of JD.com and create an indoor virtual reality environment. The design of the lines and pauses responds to the webpage of Ochama, and customers will be reminded of the act of scrolling a page when they walk through the paths, creating fun moments of exploration.

考虑到无论是Ochama让利消费者的优势价格,还是实现全前仓后店的配送体系,都归根于京东集团背后的自动化技术。为了展示Ochama品牌的自信源头,Storeage 提出将技术置于消费者面前 —— 全机器人的店内服务,取货柜及背后的传送机械展示,机械臂分拣货品的全过程,所有融入到消费体验中,融入设计空间中。

The price advantage that Ochama has to offer and the efficient delivery system from the warehouse to stores result from the automated technologies from JD.com. To show the people how Ochama can do this, Storeage suggested letting the technologies come to light. Customers can see how the service robots and the pick-up counters work, how the conveyor belts move, and the whole process of mechanical arms sorting products. The technologies are integrated into the shopping experience and the design of space.

相比其他以视觉美感作为首要考量,或者投入大部分精力来塑造美学体验的空间,Ochama 选择回归设计的本源。中荷结合的基因和基于技术、市场调研、消费心理等等层面的专业支持,让Ochama 成为一个始于对消费习惯、服务体验、空间感受的精准定位之上,推导而出的、体验导向型的设计作品。而它背后的设计者 Storeage 与其说是一家拥有零售设计领域20年经验的设计事务所,其实更像是一个跨学科营造精准零售体验的杂家,一个在科技、商业、文化与人性之间深入探索的实践者。

The designers of Ochama choose to return to the basics in design instead of placing priority on the visuals or spending much of their time creating a space simply for aesthetic experience. The design philosophy of Ochama is supported by technology, market research, and studies on consumer psychology, as well as special elements from China and the Netherlands. This makes Ochama an experience-oriented project based on consumption habits, customer service, and people's feelings about space. Storeage, the mastermind behind the project, acted as an eclectic practitioner who juggles technology, culture, and humanity to build an interdisciplinary and precision retail experience rather than simply being a design agency.

项目完成年份: 2022年1月                       
创意指导:康力、Leendert Tange                          
主创设计:Lieke Genten     
摄影师:Luis Monteiro

Store size : 2,000 sqm
Location : Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Leiden and Utrecht
Launch year : Jan. 2022
Design agency : Storeage Group & Claessens Erdmann
Creative direction: Kang Li & Li Kang, Leendert Tange
Chief design : Lieke Genten
Construction : ImageBuilders
Photographer : Luis Monteiro
Web: storeage-group.cn
