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HPP UNStudio | 法兰克福全能城市综合体HPP UNStudio | 法兰克福全能城市综合体

2023-01-04 发布

©Four Frankfurt

感谢 HPP建筑事务所 分享

法兰克福全能城市综合体位于中心城区的核心地块,集办公、住宅、酒店、商业、教育等功能为一体,是法兰克福近年来体量最大的一个项目。2015年开发方Groß & Partner委托HPP与UNStudio组成联合团队对此地块进行设计。方案以4座全新塔楼重塑法兰克福天际线,并为这座古老的金融之城注入新的活力。目前该项目三座塔楼施工高度已突破百米,预计整体将于2023年完工。
The Four Frankfurt is located in Farnkfurt financial district, the project integrates multi-functions of apartment, office, hotel, reatail and more. As one of the biggest projects in Frankfurt, it consists of four towers ranging from 100m to 228m to rebuild the skyline of the city, and also brings vitality to this traditional financial city. HPP is commissioned to design the project in 2015 with UNStudio as a team. Currently, three towers have reached 100m in construction, and the whole project is expected to finish construction in 2023.

▲ FOUR Frankfurt 由四栋不同朝向和高度的塔楼组成

▲ 功能分析

©Chris Rausch


效果图, 四个塔楼的围合空间

效果图, FOUR Frankfurt 塔楼

在此项目中,4座塔楼以及裙房的总建筑面积达到了将近290,000 m²,在相对狭小的法兰克福市中心要建造如此庞大的建筑体量无疑为项目规划与设计带来巨大挑战。面对这样的难题,HPP为项目提供了全周期建筑3D设计以及BIM技术应用,将项目拆分为可以独立操作的建筑细节,为规划方案提供了技术基础。该项目设计团队拥有超过90名员工,BIM系统允许所有成员在线协同工作,并且每个人都可以实时了解到项目的变动与修改,极大提高了各专业间沟通合作效率。
In the 4 towers of Four Frankfurt, almost 290,000 sqm GFA and multiple functions are being created in a very narrow space in the middle of Frankfurt – a special challenge for planning & realization, which we solved in integral cooperation with a conscious decision for the BIM planning methodology and project structuring as a 3D model. Breaking down the overall complex into workable individual parts, modular specifications or the early definition of penalization options were some of the foundations for successful planning. One of the most important, however is the collaborative partnership in which everyone involved in the process co-creates and works together to develop solutions for each task.


- HPP Architects的高级合伙人Werner Sübai

"Especially with projects of this size, you are better in a team than alone," is how Senior Partner Werner Sübai describes the situation. Over 90 colleagues work on the project, sometimes simultaneously, cloud-based and even in real-time.

©Chris Rausch

HPP insists applying BIM into traditional design process and continue putting efforts into it. By doing that, HPP is able to increase the efficiency of cooperation and communication in the process and then add extra value to clients.

项目业主:G&P Erste Management GmbH
高级合伙人:Werner Sübai

Project Information
Project Name: Four Frankfurt
Location: Frankfurt
Client: G&P Erste Management GmbH
Joint Venture: HPP+UNStudio
Scope: Architectural Design
Senior Partner: Werner Sübai
GFA: 290,000m²
Height: 228m
Completion: 2023
